Welcome to our world.
It's a place where mundane details and the heights of experience mingle alongside the harder emotions that are usually buried under a lawn of fake grass and smiling deck chairs. A place where it's safe to tell the truth and leave it alone – or let it change over time.
It exists at the apex of the overlap of energy fields which are never and/or hardly ever inhabiting the same physical space.

Between Andrew's studio in Salt Lake City and wherever in California Aubrey happens to be, there is a meeting point of perspectives. And we like to see what happens there.

The process of capturing this world has been intriguing and helpful to each of us, in different ways. Our conversations make us laugh, think and cry. Sometimes scream.
We hope that our show makes you feel less alone, more curious and more connected – to yourself, to others and to this great big collective dream we're all calling life.
Want to Share?
If you'd like to share what's going on for you right now, we would love to hear it. Just let us know if you'd like it to stay between us or if we can read your letter on the show (how ready are you for a vulnerability hangover?).