Smells sooooo good when you walk in
Perused around, clean nice aesthetic. Beautiful but inaccessible magical nature courtyard

Just wanted to be inside by myself and immerse in this jungle of nature in the most unnatural place.
Walking out and run into stamp station. So instantly inspiring. Cool shapes and colors and words and a way to make art that’s sort of confined to this determined medium.
Thought of LTC, got creative juices flowing and made this:

There were only like letters and 10 other stamps. Used what I could.
Reminder that sometimes when our options are taken away, the best stuff comes from the confinement. The creative with what you have can still create magical and beautiful things.
And I love magical and beautiful things.

Picnic in Bryant Park, middle of the city.
Ate good but heavy food all week, last night in town, saw the tangerines and was inspired by you and Evyn’s favorite fruit
Went to get cash, came back to fruit cart, my total was $15, African guy in a yellow RL Polo winter jacket next to me checking out Dominican mangos - said they were too expensive ($2 each), gave the cart fruit guy a $20 and told the guy to take a couple.

Walk to park
Shoes off
Ate tangerine 🍊 and spit the seeds in the grass
Thought 💡: what if this seed germinates and I’m responsible for a magical tangerine tree in the middle of Bryant park?
Possible! (But not probable)
Reminder that “planting seeds” is worth it no matter what the odds are - even in the slimmest chance that this tangerine seed can grow that tree - it’s still worth the effort and odds
Eating plum - watching DFV @theRoaringkitty memes. The best. Absolute meme GOAT.
R/Superstonk and GME is the greatest example of dispersed but unified community in internet history. The bull thesis is still unimpeachable
Worth it. The journey has been fun 🤩
Have thought 💭
Why didn’t I rip out the stamp art and take it with me and send to Aubrey?
Sad at first. That would have been cool. Then I realize, it’s better that I left it. Maybe the next person that walks up sees it.
(Gets inspired)
Passing the creativity along and letting it meander to its lucky finder is better than holding it to ourselves. That’s why it’s good “karma”
That’s the kind of way we all need to think to coexist and belong and thrive on earth. The one perfect thing about humans is that we can create this “karma” by choice and then choose to send it along for our other humans to use
It is… miraculous!
Got kicked out of park by security. Last one on the lawn standing right in the middle... My highest level of illegality - I really showed them 🖕
Why does NYC not let people enjoy the park and the beautiful grass past 9pm??? 🤔
I mean I know why, but it’s bumming me out right now
Walk back to hotel.
Incredible billboard in Times Square

I love it. The perfect Ad
Watch NBA game - game 6 Knicks v Pacers
Listen to Spotify playlist from early-mid 2000’s
Rilo Kiley- Silver Lining
AH - 17May2024